Even while the Finally Farm staff was preparing to leave for Tryon, Ike seemed to know something was up.
"When the trailer got there the night before, he went crazy in his stall, banging and kicking," said Liza laughing. "He really told me he wanted to go to the show. I thought, 'This is a sign.' He’s just the smartest horse I’ve ever been around in my life. He knows what people are thinking. He really wanted to go, and he got there and was in the best mood. He doesn't want to be retired yet!"
Liza was thrilled Ike had so many adoring fans greet him at the show, cheering him on in the ring and stopping by his stall to visit. "It's so neat he has such a fan club and so many people appreciate watching him," she added.
Liza credited Finally Farm Assistant Trainer Max Mandell for keeping Ike fit and happy at home while she was on the road showing. He reported in regularly to keep her updated on Ike's progress and spent ample time with the gelding doing trot sets and working through cavaletti to keep him fit and strong.
"About a month out from Tryon, I started riding him," she said. "If I would be at a show, I’d ride him on a Monday to see where he was. Even though it's typically my day off, you have to do that if you want to be prepared. Max really did a great job with the fitness flatwork. If it weren't for Max, Ike wouldn’t have been fit enough to show."
Ike will now have another lengthy break since he's not a fan of palm trees and beaches. "He gets cranky in Florida," Liza joked. "He likes to ship in, show and go home. He's set in his ways. He’ll stay in work, because at his age I think he should keep moving around even if it's just 30 minutes of trotting or tack walking. He'll get all fuzzy, grow his mane out, and he’ll look like a scruffy old man."
Finally Farm's great performances continued in the hunter and jumper rings throughout the week with Maddy and Kelsey Thatcher dominating in both rings in the amateur sections.
"Maddy was on fire this week," said Liza. "She was really accurate and was competitive on every single horse she showed."
Maddy and Like I Said earned the 3’3" Amateur-Owner Hunter Championship and Maddy took he reserve as well with Jewel. Sister Kelsey also earned a tricolor in the section (California split) aboard Escalante.
"It was fun to have Kelsey join the Finally Farm team for the weekend," said Liza. "She did an excellent job on him. He’s a Pre-Green horse, and she gave him great rides. He’ll be a lovely First Year and Junior/Amateur hunter in the future."
Maddy and Sterling jumped up to place second in the combined Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic for a great finish, giving all three of Maddy's 3'3" Amateur Hunters and her 3'6" Amateur horse Summer Place top ribbons and tricolors.
"Like I Said is finishing up her First Year Green career and it's so nice to see that she’s turning into an amazing amateur horse," said Liza. "She and Maddy have really meshed, and the mare has figured out this hunter life and is going to be one to watch in 3’6” amateurs with Maddy in Florida this winter."
Maddy and Kelsey also jumped to excellent placings in the Amateur Jumpers, with Maddy and Skilliane De Varnel wrapping it all up with the blue ribbon in the Classic. "It was impressive. You don’t see a lot of amateurs ride smooth and soft in the hunter ring and then walk right over to the jumper ring and win out of 32, like she did in the Classic. Both Maddy and Kelsey were blazing fast over there, and it was fun to watch."
Elly Fica and Quatrain continued their momentum from the Capital Challenge and collected the 3'3" Junior Hunter reserve championship and won the combined Junior Hunter Classic out of 12 entries.
"Elly's been taking lessons and home, and their partnership is getting stronger," said Liza. "It's wonderful to see her become more educated and polished in such a short time. Coming off a pony to a Junior Hunter is challenge, but it didn't take her long to get consistent on him, and it was great for her to finish out with the win in the Classic."
Ruby Sloan and Look Again also returned from Capital Challenge for more successes, earning tricolor honors in the Children’s Hunter, 14 and under, section. "I think doing so well at Capital Challenge in the WCHR Challenge gave her a big boost in confidence, and she was really consistent and rode well here."
Elegance and Zola Thompson also earned to ribbons and the reserve championship in the Medium Pony Hunter section. "Again, Zola is on a roll," said Liza. "She keeps staying consistent, and returning home from Central Park and Capital Challenge with such great results really gave her a new found confidence. It's been wonderful to see her feel so prepared and confident in the show ring."
Next up, Finally Farm riders and horses will show at the Washington International and at the Tryon Fall 6 shows.
To read more about Brunello's victory at Tryon, please see The Chronicle of the Horse article: "Brunello's Still Best in Tryon $50,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby."