Fall Foxhunting and Thanksgiving Fun in Camden

Mary Katherine Farnell and Ned Towell

Mary Katherine Farnell and Ned Towell

Late November often brings families together for Thanksgiving, and at Finally Farm it's all that and more.

With the farm nestled in Camden Hunt territory, Thanksgiving time also means Opening Meet and the Blessing of the Hounds. Ned Towell and his girlfriend, Mary Katherine Farnell, enjoyed a beautiful day out hunting in and around Camden's beautiful rolling hills and looked picture perfect in their Camden Hunt colors.

They also participated in the Middleton Place Hounds' Opening Meet and Blessing of the Hounds at The Greensward on November 26 in Charleston.

Elle Boyd and Otis Spunkmeyer leading the way!

Elle Boyd and Otis Spunkmeyer leading the way!

During this week at home, the horses and riders took to the trails at every opportunity to enjoy the glorious fall weather, with Elle Boyd and her small pony Otis Spunkmeyer often blazing the way for the bigger horses. 

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Liza Boyd and her father Jack Towell taught a benefit clinic for the Camden Hunt, which was sold out and a successful fundraiser. 

"The clinic went really well, and we had three sessions with up to 11 riders per group. It worked really well with us teaching together," said Liza. "When my dad had one group on the flat, I had another at the other end of the ring. Then, when they were jumping courses we would take turns instructing the rider and then talking to those who were watching. We felt like it all worked smoothly and everyone jumped at least three full courses and learned a lot."

The Towell family also traveled to Liberty Hill for a Thanksgiving luncheon, where they enjoyed a gorgeous table set by Lisa Towell and feasting with family and friends.

In addition, Liza and Jack spent time teaching at home, with lessons for the green horses and ponies (Elle even took a turn on one of the 4-year-olds!) and the new combinations preparing for the 2018 show season.

It was a great week to share the blessings of the season and enjoy the horses in beautiful Camden!





Posted on November 28, 2017 .